Florist Choice Bouquet

Florist Choice Bouquet

Trust your trained florists to create something amazing for you with fresh florals and foliage’s. Colours and style will depend on the availability that week, but if you have something in mind just mention in the comments and we will do our best to accommodate you.

*Please note that flower varieties will differ due to season and availability* 

Regular price $100.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $100.00 AUD
Sale Sold out
Tax included.

Care Instructions

How to Care for Your Cut Flower Bouquet

  1. Trim the Stems: Upon receiving your bouquet, trim about an inch off the bottom of each stem at a diagonal angle. This allows the flowers to better absorb water.
  2. Use Clean Water: Fill a clean vase with fresh, room temperature water. Remove any leaves that might sit below the waterline to prevent bacterial growth.
  3. Change the Water: Every 2-3 days, change the water in the vase. This helps prevent the buildup of bacteria and keeps your flowers fresh.
  4. Avoid Direct Sunlight and Heat: Place your bouquet in a cool spot away from direct sunlight and heat sources like radiators or heating vents.
  5. Freshly Cut Stems: Periodically, recut the stems at an angle to improve water absorption. Remove any wilted or dead flowers as you notice them.
  6. Regularly Check Water Level: Ensure that your vase always has enough water. Flowers drink a lot, especially during the first few days.
  7. Enjoy the Beauty: Sit back and enjoy the beauty and fragrance of your fresh flower bouquet!

By following these simple care instructions, you can enjoy your cut flower bouquet for an extended period, bringing a touch of nature's beauty into your space.

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